If you want to speak your mind before Fort Collins City Council, these changes are proposed

Fort Collins City Council will vote Tuesday, July 2 on whether to change some procedures around public comment at its meetings.

These changes will close the loop on proposed changes prompted by a demonstration at the March 5 meeting that resulted in the mayor gaveling into recess and eventually adjourning before council could get to the evening’s business.

Some updates were already approved by council , including a provision that would allow council to move their meetings to an alternative location with remote public participation if a similar situation were to occur, or if there were another circumstance jeopardizing the agenda, like bad weather.

The changes being considered now would split the general comment period into two segments: one happening at the beginning and one at the end of the meeting.

There would be up to 90 minutes of public comment by no fewer than 40 people at the start of the meeting, and if more people want to speak, council would open up unlimited time at the end of the meeting, according to the published City Council agenda packet.

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