Questions and answers with Poudre School District Superintendent Brian Kingsley

Brian Kingsley is entering his fourth year as Poudre School District’s superintendent, and under more scrutiny. He was recently cleared of any wrongdoing in an investigation into the nature of a relationship with a district employee, yet he remains a lightning rod for criticism following two since-abandoned plans by the school district and its board of education to consolidate and close as many as five neighborhood schools .

Kingsley sat down recently for a question-and-answer interview with the Coloradoan to discuss his priorities for the 2024-25 school year, respond to some of the most prevalent criticism he has faced, and how the district will address the declining enrollment and associated loss in per-pupil funding that was the stated rationale for closing and consolidating some schools.

Editor’s note: Coloradoan reporter Kelly Lyell conducted the interview, and some responses by Kingsley reference Lyell’s work covering the district. For a full list of his stories, visit this link .

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