Does this year feel hot? Here’s how it compares to others in the past century

Earlier this month, Fort Collins broke its record for the longest streak of days with temperatures reaching 90 degrees Fahrenheit or more by seeing 16 consecutive hot days.

But how often does the city usually get this type of weather?

Over the past century, between 1924 and 2023, there have been 2,306 days with 90-degree-plus weather, a Coloradoan analysis of Colorado Climate Center data shows.

But these days have not been distributed evenly over the years.

During this time, the average is about 23 days per year. The highest in any year was a whopping 57, in 2012, and the lowest was a mere 2 in 1950. And that might not be a coincidence.

That average is higher in the second half of the past century compared to the first.

More: Colorado’s 20 largest wildfires happened this century. Here’s how things are changing.

Between 1924 and 1973 there were about 19 days with temperatures above the 90 degree threshold every year. But between 1974 and 2023, that average jumped to 27 days per year.

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