Cameras can catch you speeding in Fort Collins. Here’s which roads you can get ticketed on

On most of the major streets in Fort Collins, Fort Collins police can now use a camera to record speeding violations and issue tickets.

For now, they’re increasing public awareness about the change, putting up signs and issuing warnings for a 60-day period, according to a Tuesday news release from Fort Collins Police Services.

City Council approved the locations of the speed corridors in July, and staff said they expected to begin issuing tickets in October.

Six intersections in the city area are already fitted with cameras to record red-light violations. Now these cameras will be able to record speeding violations as well, from certain approaches.

Mobile units can also be placed at any location within any speed corridor to record violations and trigger a ticket, which will be sent by mail. The city is planning to add two more mobile units.

“This is just one of the tools available to help create safer roads for everyone,” Fort Collins Police Chief Jeff Swoboda said in the news release. “Whether through the use of traffic cameras or these other innovative approaches, it is essential that we continue to explore new ways to promote safety and reduce crashes on our roads.”

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