Fort Collins City Council members want to fund Sunday, holiday bus service

Fort Collins City Council members said they want to find a way to fund Sunday and holiday Transfort service in the next budget.

At a Tuesday work session examining the proposed 2025 and 2026 budgets, all six of the attending council members wanted to find a way to do so. Those services are not currently slated for funding.

The cost would be about $157,000 annually, according to the proposed budget. The city’s total budget is $693 million in 2025.

Council member Kelly Ohlson said Sunday and holiday service on existing lines should take precedent over building out a full system.

“Most of us don’t use it most of the time, if we come clean,” he said. “I’m really concerned that we first make transit available to those that, due to financial or other reasons, don’t have access to transportation.

“On Sunday there’s a lot of service workers still working, and there’s other needs on Sunday … to get to a clinic or something,” Ohlson said.

Before the pandemic, Transfort offered limited service on Sundays and holidays on the MAX bus rapid transit line and five other routes from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sundays. Ridership on Sundays was about 2,300 per day, according to city budget documents. Holiday ridership was 4,000 on average.

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