Use holiday downtime to get organized

ESTES PARK, Colo. — The gifts have been opened and the ham has been eaten. The matching pajamas have been washed, folded and put into the back of the closet to wait for next year’s merriment.

With the festivities of this year’s Christmas in the rearview mirror, it is an excellent time to look toward the new year and goals for the next 12 months.

One of the most common resolutions made at the changing of the calendar is to get organized.

That can mean a lot of things to different people — from organizing finances and schedules to cleaning out overpacked closets and the garage (and actually using it for parking a car). The week between Christmas and New Year’s Day gives lots of downtime to put the time to use for getting the household in order and starting the new year organized.

The process, however, can seem daunting. Instead of becoming overwhelmed and walking away from the task, tackle the house one room at a time. Crossing off one room as it is finished provides a larger sense of accomplishment on the to-do list than seeing that single item — organize the house — sitting unchecked on the list.

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