Three popular Colorado state parks increased their entrance fees as of Jan. 1.
The parks include State Forest, 75 miles west of Fort Collins; Chatfield; and Golden Gate Canyon. Fees for single-day passes increased by $2 and now cost $12, according to a Colorado Parks and Wildlife news release.
The daily pass increase at State Forest and Golden Gate Canyon was approved by a legislative bill that allows Jackson and Gilpin counties, respectively, to receive the $2 fee increase for maintenance of county roads associated with access points into and out of the state parks.
The increase at Chatfield will help fund water quality projects in and upstream of the reservoir.
The price of the Keep Colorado Wild pass will not be affected by the daily fee increases.
The $29 Keep Colorado Wild pass is automatically charged to those registering their vehicle. You must opt out of purchasing the pass during vehicle registration or you will be charged this amount.
The $29 fee is more than 60% off the regular price of an annual state parks pass. If purchased, your vehicle registration card serves as your state parks pass, which is valid for one year or until the current vehicle registration expires.