Centennial pet store hit, two puppies stolen totaling more than $4K

CENTENNIAL, Colo. (KDVR) — A Centennial pet store has been the target of thieves once again after two puppies were stolen Wednesday night and it’s all caught on camera.

The suspects are two women who entered Perfect Pets together with a small child on Wednesday evening. Originally, Rose Larsen with Perfect Pets said they were inquiring about hamsters, but while the store owner was distracted, the first theft happened.

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“She was constantly looking over her shoulder and what ended up happening was while the younger lady was distracting my dad, asking him about hamsters. She plopped it into the stroller and concealed the puppy in the stroller,” Larsen said

While the store owner was in the back getting a box for the hamsters, that’s when the second theft happened. The woman took advantage of the situation and while the owner was out of sight, she grabbed another puppy and made her way out the door with it…

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