Beloved Fort Collins, Colorado Pizza Place Celebrates 50 Years

Colorado’s pizza restaurants number in the hundreds. The places hat have opened and then closed, also number in the hundreds. For one to last over five decades is a testament to how much locals love it.

Panhandler’s Pizza in Fort Collis Celebrates 50 Years in 2025

Imagine – The year is 1975: Gerald Ford is into his second year of being President, “Jaws,” was the movie everyone was going to see and talk about, The Eagles, Barry Manilow, Elton John, Chicago, and Hot Chocolate were topping the charts.

And a little pizza shop in Fort Collins was beginning a legacy.

Many memories were made for over 30 years when Panhandler’s Pizza was over by Campus West. Dates, pizza parties, family gatherings.

Panhandler’s Pizza existed from 1975 to 2017 at 1220 West Elizabeth, near the CSU campus. The joint saw decades of students and locals coming through their doors to enjoy there pies to go, or to sit down at one of their tables with the classic red/white checkered tablecloths…

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