Northern Colorado Getting New Dam/Reservoir North of Fort Collins

Glade Reservoir, coming to Northern Colorado, will bring water to communities and recreation to the area. $100 million will also be going to help protect the Poudre River.

New Dam Construction for Glade Reservoir in Northern Colorado Coming 2026

For nearly 20 years, if you’ve lived in Northern Colorado, you’ve probably heard the phrase or seen the stickers: “Save the Poudre.” That campaign fought hard to keep a dam from being built.

The dam is coming, but the group did get a lot of money to help the Poudre River.

Horsetooth Reservoir (above) was built between 1946-1949 and opened to the public in 1949. When the water is low enough in Horsetooth, you can see remnants of the old town of Stout, that lies at the bottom of the reservoir.

While the dam for Chimney Hollow Reservoir is nearing completion west of Carter Lake, Glade Reservoir’s dam, north of Fort Collins, won’t begin getting filled until closer to 2029. By that time, the area’s population will be more than ready to access and use that water…

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