“U.S. mail is not for sale,” was the chant heard at the intersection of College and Mulberry in Fort Collins this Sunday as about 100 people turned out for a rally in support of the U.S. Postal Service.
Participants included past and current post office employees as well as other members of the community. There were many signs on display, including some that read: “Fight like hell,” “Paws off postal service”, and “Honk if you love USPS.”
Passing cars followed the instructions of the last sign, frequently honking throughout the morning. There were also, however, instances in which passers-by shouted curses at the demonstrators.
“We are fighting against the privatization of the post office,” President of the National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 849 and Fort Collins letter carrier Jenilee Jackson said, adding, “The postal service is a universal service that everyone relies on and making it private would put profit over the services we provide.”…