Viral TikTok Trend Spurs Car Thefts in Broward: How to Protect Your Vehicle

Viral TikTok Trend Sparks Car Thefts in Broward County, Florida: How to Protect Your Vehicle

The TikTok Trend
A recent social media challenge on TikTok has led to a surge in thefts of Kia and Hyundai cars in Broward. This nationwide challenge, which involves stealing certain models of Kia and Hyundai cars using nothing more than a USB cord or screwdriver, has burdened law enforcement agencies and left many families stranded.

The challenge encourages individuals to break into certain Kia and Hyundai models, with some reports suggesting that accessing these vehicles can take mere minutes. The Fort Lauderdale Police Department has been inundated with reports of thefts or attempted thefts linked to this challenge.

The Root of the Problem
The root of the problem lies in a factory flaw in the ignition system of Kia and Hyundai models manufactured between 2010 and 20221. Models produced between 2015 and 2019, which lack basic auto theft prevention technology, have become prime targets for thieves seeking a quick getaway.

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