Popular Drink Recalled Across Florida Contains Potentially ‘Deadly Toxin’

Snapchill LLC (Snapchill) recalled “all canned coffee products” distributed nationwide ( including Florida ) on Monday (June 17) due to “potential clostridium botulinum” contamination. According to the United States Food & Drug Administration , the production process of caned Snapchill coffees could “lead to the growth and production of the deadly toxin, botulinum toxin.”

Botulism, defined by the FDA as a “potentially fatal form of food poisoning,” causes a wide array of symptoms including trouble swallowing and speaking, dizziness, muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, constipation, abdominal distention, double-vision, and in serious cases, death. People who ingest the aforementioned coffee are at risk of any and all symptoms brought on by consuming botulinum toxin.

Consumers can begin to experience side effects just six hours after ingestion, while some cases take two weeks. No illnesses resulting from the consumption of Snapchill coffee products were reported as of Thursday, June 20th.

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