Florida Condo Owners Paying Thousands In Monthly HOA Fees

Compared to 2023, Florida cities are seeing double-digit increases in condo and HOA fees.

Real estate brokerage company Redfin says fees have jumped by 15% in cities like Orlando, Tampa, and Fort Lauderdale. The reason is skyrocketing insurance costs and new state safety regulations.

Depending on where you live, condo fees were around $500-$600 a month. Ashley Webster from the Fox Business Network (FBN) reported that those same owners are now seeing their costs go up anywhere from $2,000 to $3000 per month.

“With condo owners being hit with higher costs and hefty special assessments, the market is open for those looking for a bargain,” because owners simply can’t afford to make those payments,” said Webster.

The latest analyses by Redfin do show a drop in condo prices across the state.

Compared to last year, Jacksonville saw a 7% drop in prices. Prices in Tampa have dropped around 5%. Cities like Fort Lauderdale saw a decline of 4%. Miami 2.2%) and Orlando just 0.5%).

While prices have dropped, analysts point out maintenance costs are still high.

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