Tyreek Hill incident sparks worries about Florida police oversight law

MIAMI Tyreek Hill ‘s confrontation with police renewed calls for civilian oversight groups that face extinction in Florida.

A new state law prevents city and county governments from granting civilian panels power to investigate police conduct. Miami-Dade County ‘s Independent Civilian Panel shut down in July.

The City of Miami’s Civilian Investigative Panel filed pending litigation seeking an injunction to continue operations. For now, the group can still audit closed internal affairs cases, publicize findings and offer recommended action for police.

However, Miami’s CIP cannot receive, transmit or investigate complaints alleging officer misconduct. A judge will rule on the injunction next Friday.

Police ID officer involved in Tyreek Hill traffic stop 03:01

“There’s a lot at stake for sure,” Rodney Jacobs, Executive Director of the Miami Civilian Investigative Panel, said.

The release of body-worn camera video of Tyreek Hill’s traffic stop reinforces Jacobs’ feelings about the role of civilians in such investigations.

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