Man found guilty of murdering a teen in a botched robbery over Yeezy sneakers. Chaos erupted

Adrian Cosby was mostly stone-faced Friday as Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge Miguel M. de la O read a jury verdict that found him guilty of murdering a teenage high school student four years ago during a botched robbery.

He began shaking slightly as the father of Andrea Camps-Lacayo, the 18-year-old senior he was convicted of murdering, began to speak during the sentencing phase.

And he erupted and chaos reigned in courtroom 4-1 of Miami-Dade’s criminal courthouse when Alex Camps turned to Cosby, called him a “monster,” then blamed his actions on his upbringing.

“What the fuck you talking about,” was one of the few things Cosby said before about four Miami-Dade Corrections and law enforcement officers were able to subdue him as he tried to get to Camps and get over a low wall behind him where family and friends had been sitting.

READ MORE: Chaos erupts in courtroom after man convicted of murdering teen leaps at her father

By then, everyone in the courtroom were on their feet. Some were moving for cover. Others, angered at the verdict and Camps’ speech, were screaming at him and racing to get out of the courtroom. About 20 minutes later, once order was restored, de la O read his sentencing. Cosby had not returned.

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