For the love of flight

Pilot Mike Smith and George Sabich, 13, sit in the cockpit of a plane during a recent Young Eagles event at Page Field. ANDREA STETSON / FLORIDA WEEKLY

Soren Skold is only 9 years old, but he already knows he wants to soar in the skies. He’s one of the youngest participants in the Young Eagles program.

“I like flying,” he said. “It is faster than cars, and you get to go in the air. I want to fly a private plane or maybe I want to fly for Delta.”

Soren is one of millions of children all over the country to take part in the Young Eagles program. It began in 1992 and since then more than two million young people have enjoyed a free introductory airplane ride. Volunteer pilots take these youngsters in the air hoping to instill a love of flying.

“You get to talk to a pilot and ask them all about flying,” Soren said.

The chapter at Page Field in Lee County has given rides to more than 3,000 youngsters. While nationally the age limits are 8-17, this local group doesn’t let kids sign up until age 11. Each month 15 teens and pre-teens are treated to a pancake breakfast and a plane ride.

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