Pedaling in search for cancer ride volunteers, Michigan man lands in Southwest Florida

A journey expected to last several years pedaling in a mission to help cancer patients nationwide, encouraging people to sign on as volunteer drivers, has so far led Jeff Molby to six states.

Molby, 43, of Troy, Michigan, who has been car-free most of his adult life, said he initially started volunteering with the American Cancer Society’s “Relay for Life.” He said he’s been a volunteer for seven years.

An amateur cyclist who also holds a full-time job, Molby said his father had colon cancer 25 years ago, although they caught it in an early stage. Molby describes himself as a longtime, self-employed “computer nerd.”

“Recently, I got to know a family that had the opposite experience,” Molby said. “The dad was diagnosed stage four, and after a pretty brutal two-year fight they lost him.”

Molby, who started the trip Oct. 10 after his son left for college, said the timing worked out. By Wednesday, he said he had pedaled just north of 2,100 miles.

He said he averages between 30 and 35 miles per day.

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