New roads, lanes and roundabouts: Top takeaways from traffic roundtable with county experts

Four traffic experts from Collier and Lee counties gathered Thursday to share what their departments and counties are doing to alleviate congestion on Southwest Florida’s roadways – and let us know what traffic-heavy spots they’re keeping their eyes on for future improvement.

Collier County’s Anthony Khawaja, chief engineer of traffic operations, growth management division and Lee County’s Rob Price, the deputy director of the county department of transportation, were joined by Collier Transportation Management Services Department Head Trinity Scott, and Collier Transportation Planning Manager Lorraine Lantz.

Venting about the traffic:‘I am in a state of constant shock.’ What Southwest Floridians are saying about traffic

Traffic is bad…but the problem isn’t always the snowbirds

According to Price and Khawaja, snowbirds aside, local traffic like at the start of the workday and school drop-offs are major stressors on the roadways. The start of school or work puts more people on the roads earlier and can contribute to gridlock during the morning rush-hour, they said.

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