Happy (one-month) Birthday, E23! Let’s revisit the eaglet’s first month in the SWFL Eagle Cam nest

There’s an important (one-month) birthday that Southwest Florida residents need to be recognizing this week.

E23, the lone eaglet within the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam nest, is celebrating its first month in the nest.

Regional animal icons M15 and F23 hatched their first egg together just before the start of 2024, according to the Dick Pritchett Real Estate Eagle Cam website. Over the course of a chaotic month, the tiny eaglet has seen several highs and lows inside its Fort Myers home.

To celebrate E23’s one-month birthday, here’s a look back at what January has looked like for the small celebrity:

E23 arrives in the nest before New Year’s Day

A New Year’s Eve baby! F23 rose up and was visible from its egg at 7:03 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 31. The following day, operators posted that E23 was “already active and asking for lunch.”

There was second egg; however, livestream operators posted on Dec. 31 that its hatching was stalled and they no longer saw movement. The following day, they posted that they would both “celebrate E23 and mourn the future life of Egg 2 and all that could have been.”

Story continues