Conservancy volunteers ‘walk’ people through importance of nature

NORTH PORT — The North Port Environmental Conservancy has some big plans to save habitat land for wildlife in parts of Charlotte and southern Sarasota counties.

In the meantime, the volunteer-run organization hosts events like nature walks to educate the public about how important the environment is.

“Our mission with the walks is to develop a love of nature in the public so they care about and protect it,” said Robin Hagan, a volunteer who is also a full-time student at Florida Gulf Coast University.

Hagan studies psychology and has aspirations to tether it and nature in the form of retreats and other activities in her future profession.

“Attention restorative theory (ART) claims that we get burnt out daily — but being in nature actually restores your energy,” she said.

Studies have also shown that students who look out toward nature from their living spaces — rather than “concrete jungles” — have an easier time focusing, according to Hagan.

Being in nature and off smartphones can help people to better decompress and understand the importance of the world around them, according to Hagan.

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