Wanted: Contractors to help fix hurricane-damaged homes

The Charlotte-DeSoto Building Industry Association is looking for contractors to help homeowners in Charlotte and DeSoto counties still in need of hurricane repairs.

Charlotte County is set to receive $7 million in funding from the State Housing Initiatives Program, according to the CDBIA. DeSoto County is also receiving SHIP funds.

Approved residents can receive SHIP funds to make repairs, but the work must be done by an approved contractor from the SHIP contractor list.

To answer questions from members about the SHIP process, the CDBIA has invited Colleen Turner and Rich Gromalski from Charlotte County Human Services to the next membership meeting from 5-8 p.m. Tuesday.

To register for that meeting, visit https://members.cdbia.com/ap/Events/Register/XpjxOx0L.

Charlotte County residents can apply for SHIP assistance at www.coadfl.org.

DeSoto County residents can apply at desotobocc.com/?/department/social_services/ship-local-housing-assistance-plan.

This story was originally published here.