The News-Press Athlete of the Week winner for Sept. 3-7, Mariner bowler Trey Lemus

The News-Press Athlete of the Week sponsored by Elevate Home Services winner for Sept. 3-7 was Mariner High bowler Trey Lemus. The junior captured 45% of the votes. To be selected for the poll, Lemus bowled a 227 to lead the Tritons to a 4-1 win against Island Coast.

Question: Why did you start bowling?

Lemus: My grandfather (Rob Comito) is a professional bowler, and he’s been bowling his whole life. So my mom worked at a bowling alley, and I just picked up bowling.

What’s your favorite bowling memory? Lemus: In practice, I bowled a 298. I went 11 strikes straight, and then on the 12th shot I missed.

What’s the accomplishment you are most proud of?

Lemus: I’d have to say in basketball, going to the Final Four last year.

Previous winner: The News-Press Athlete of the Week winner for Aug. 26-31, Bishop Verot bowler Mia Gasperini

Which is your favorite sport, basketball or bowling?

Lemus: Right now, bowling, because we’re in bowling season. But when basketball comes around, basketball.

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