Fire Rescue team rescues Muffin, the French bulldog

PORT CHARLOTTE — Muffin, the French bulldog, is only 18 months old.

But she has already shown a knack for getting into tricky situations, according to her owner, Sharon Burdell, of Port Charlotte.

First, Muffin got loose while Burdell was feeding some ducklings from her back door.

Muffin ran across the yard toward the ducks and skidded right into the canal behind the apartment building.

She apparently realized her mistake immediately. Like most French bulldogs, she is a poor swimmer.

But Muffin couldn’t get back out.

Her little legs were pumping, but she was having trouble keeping her head above water.

That wasn’t the only problem.

“I was worried that there was an alligator in there,” Burdell said.

Burdell had to go in after Muffin, but she couldn’t get a good grip on Muffin’s round, wet body.

Luckily, a neighbor was nearby and able to help them out and get Muffin to safety.

“I bought him a brand new fishing pole,” Burdell said of the neighbor.

The latest incident happened last weekend, when Burdell noticed she hadn’t seen Muffin in awhile. Then she realized the Frenchie was under the couch.

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