Taylor Swift: From a park in Lehigh Acres to superstardom. Photos of 2007 Lee County show

It’s 142 miles from Lehigh Acres (Florida) to Miami.

Looking at Google maps, that’s just a little it more than a two-hour drive to the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, where the wildly popular and global singing sensation Taylor Swift will kick-off the final leg of her record-shattering Eras Tour tonight (Oct. 18).

It is one of three shows Swift will have in South Florida. She’s also on stage Saturday and Sunday. These three Florida shows are Swift’s first since her run at London’s Wembley Stadium in mid-August.

What does Leigh Acres have to do with Swift and her rise to the top of the music world? Believe it or not, one of the ways Swift got to this point in her career was passing through Lehigh Acres 17 years ago. Lehigh Acres is located in Lee County in Southwest Florida and best described as a place with a suburban-rural mix feel to it.

Swift was a 17-year-old relatively unknown signer when she performed at the Leigh Spring Festival in March of 2007. The long-.forgotten show took place at Veteran’s Park.

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