Nice to meet ewe: Sheep Meet and Greet

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) – Salomon Farm Park officially welcomes their two new ewes, 6-month-old Lucky and 3-month-old London on Saturday and Sunday.

Eden Lamb, manager of Salomon Farm, said Valais blacknose sheep originate from Switzerland, but these two males were born in Southern Indiana and arrived on the farm in August. She said as older animals retire, bringing in new animals, such as Lucky and London, continues to excite visitors.
Two Valais blacknose arrived at Salomon Farm Park in August.

Lamb said although the sheep already have several fans, the affection is mutually shared with farm-goers.

“They absolutely love [being with people],” Lamb said. “…They want to be right next to you all the time, they kind of remind me of dogs in that way.”

Visitors can get “up-close and personal” with these friendly fluffballs for 30 minutes at a time. Pets and hand-fed treats are also appreciated by the sheep.
Lucky and London are each less than one year old.

Lamb said Salomon Farm Park is planning to host additional meet and greet with the sheep in the future, but Lucky and London are at the farm to welcome visitors through their fence during open hours.

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