Women IN Tech Week works to inspire local ladies

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) — Fort Wayne Tech hosts a Celebratory Kickoff Brunch to mark the start of it’s first ever Women IN Tech Week on Sunday.

According to Lindsay Lott, President of Fort Wayne Tech, the week’s goal is to celebrate and empower women in the technological sphere of work. These discussions and panels work to continue breaking down barriers which block women from excelling in the workplace through getting women in touch with other women working in similar fields or careers they aim to pursue.

“There’s a quote from one of our leaders in Women in Tech,” Lott said. “…’When you see us, you can be us’, and I think that’s the whole essence [of this event].”

To begin the brunch, proclamations from Mayor Sharon Tucker and Governor Eric Holcomb’s offices were presented, each issuing the days between Sept. 15 and Sept. 22 as Women IN Tech Week. A panel was then held with four women with years of career experience discussing their life experience as a woman working in tech, but also in any professional setting.

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