Broadcasting for the people; Bruce Haines is Positively Fort Wayne

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) – For nearly two decades, one man has been a driving force in making sure Fort Wayne has access to high-quality public television. It’s what makes Bruce Haines Positively Fort Wayne as he prepares for his next chapter.

“People will often say, “You’ll wake up and you’ll know.” Whether it’s because you have new aches and pains you didn’t realize you had been carrying along for a while. Or, you have ultimately realized that what you wanted to accomplish in your professional career was enough. It may not have been everything, but it was enough,” said Haines.

Bruce Haines has had enough. Well, enough to feel fulfilled. Haines started as PBS Fort Wayne’s General Manager and president in 2008.

“Just in time for the Great Recession. The recommendation would be to never start a new job in a bad economy. Life lesson number 1.”

This is also the time PBS would be switching from analog to digital transmissions.

You can now watch PBS Fort Wayne on Hulu with Live TV subscription

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