This Indiana Hospital’s Dedication to Its Patients Goes Beyond Its Walls

Most people don’t want to get job performance reviews from strangers while perusing the cereal aisle at their local grocery store. But the staff at Hendricks Regional Health in west central Indiana embrace the connection to their patients.

“None of us [Hendricks employees] can go to a restaurant or church or grocery store without running into somebody who is either a patient or a loved one of a patient here,” Chief Strategy Officer Gary Everling told Newsweek . “Trust me, we will hear about it if things didn’t go exactly right. Almost all of us live in the same community and that level of accountability, we’re honestly thankful for it.”

Hendricks’ goal is to be an “indispensable health and wellness partner” in the community. Everling said that “indispensable” is a “strong word,” but biannual community surveys show that over 80 percent of respondents agree that Hendricks is an essential care provider. Everling said he’d know if patients weren’t happy…

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