Fort Worth Zoo announces first-ever rockhopper penguin chick to hatch in Zoo history

The Fort Worth Zoo is excited to announce the first-ever rockhopper penguin chick to hatch in Fort Worth Zoo history.

Fort Worth Zoo officials say the baby Rockhopper penguin named ‘Darcy’ was born on Dec. 21, but in just over a month she is already about 11 inches tall.

During her first exam officials report she weighed about 2.65 pounds — just big enough to fit in the palms of your hands.

“Mom, Dot, and dad, Fredrick are keeping a close eye on Darcy for now and have been attentive parents” the Zoo announced on social media. “The rest of the colony has also been very interested in Darcy and have even started to help preen her feathers.”

Zoo officials say Darcy is already out in the penguin habitat for the public to see.

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This story was originally published here.