West Portal business owners take stand against new traffic safety plan

Proposed traffic safety changes for West Portal stir up opposition 02:42

A deadly crash at a bus stop in San Francisco’s West Portal neighborhood that killed a family of four last month led city officials to quickly come up with a plan to make the intersection much safer.

The family — Diego Cardoso de Oliveira and Matilde Ramos Pinto, their 2-year-old son Joaquin and infant Caue Ramos Pinto de Oliveira — all died after being struck by an SUV while waiting at a bus stop at Ulloa Street and Lenox Way on March 16.

Last week, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency director Jeffrey Tumlin, San Francisco Supervisor Myrna Melgar and project supervisor Liz Brisson announced the proposed improvements to the area .

But now the redesign is getting pushback from area business owners concerned it will hurt their bottom line.

“I grew up on West Portal and my home is still on West Portal,” said Maryo Mogannam. “Past President of the West Portal Merchants Association.”

Mogannam’s Postal Chase sits in the heart of the West Portal. And while shaken by the tragedy that occurred just around the corner, his business is among those asking for a pause on proposed changes to this intersection.

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