SF to vote on future of the Great Highway: oceanfront park or thoroughfare

San Francisco voters to decide on closing Great Highway along the coast 04:33

There is a debate over the future of San Francisco’s Great Highway: Supporters of Prop K call it a once-in-a-generation chance for a new oceanfront park, and critics say it is a traffic debacle in the making.

If approved, Proposition K would turn a two-mile stretch of the Upper Great Highway into an open space. That would permanently open the roadway up to cyclists and joggers, like it currently is on the weekends, and weekday traffic would get shifted to other streets.

It’s a debate that goes back to the highway’s closure during the pandemic, and it has divided a neighborhood ahead of a vote by the entire city.

“I came here three years ago,” said Grace Princen “So, during COVID. And they had just started opening up the highway.”

Grace Princen is a Sunset resident, a park volunteer, and a supporter of the plan to permanently close this stretch of the Great Highway

“It’s just really great,” Princen said. “There’s so many people who come out, even if it’s not sunny, even if it’s really foggy or bad weather. There’s always a ton of people here on the weekends.”

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