Rats! California cities top list of America’s most rodent-infested metropolises

A recent report from Terminix has ranked San Francisco and Los Angeles as the second and third most rodent-infested cities in the United States, with California cities dominating the list. Alongside these two urban centers, Palm Springs, San Diego, Fresno, and Monterey also made the cut, highlighting a significant rodent problem in the Golden State.

The report outlines that the prevalence of rodents is often linked to factors such as sanitation practices, accessibility to food waste, and suitable habitats for these pests. In addition to California cities, the nationwide list includes New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C. as the top five cities grappling with rodent infestations.

Terminix emphasized the implications of rodent presence in urban environments, noting that these pests can cause substantial property damage and pose serious public health risks. The findings raise concerns about how local sanitation efforts and urban living conditions impact rodent populations.

As cities work to address these challenges, the report serves as a reminder of the ongoing battle against pests in densely populated areas, prompting residents and local governments alike to prioritize sanitation and waste management practices to mitigate rodent issues.

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