Bullard High’s principal says cellphone free campus has led to positive changes

It wasn’t an idea that most students at Bullard High welcomed.

“Nobody liked it. I didn’t like it at first.” Senior Alina Covarrbias said.

Beginning last school year, students were required to lock their phones in Yonder pouches at the start of first period.

The phones have to remain in the pouch throughout the school day.

They can only be unlocked by a magnetic device that teachers have.

The goal is to keep students focused on learning and not on their phones.

Ninth-grade algebra teacher Tiffanie Alarcon thinks it’s made a difference.

“This has been one of the highest grading years I’ve ever had. I’ve had very, very few Ds or Fs in — across all my classes.”

She says having phones locked away is definitely helping.

But the program has hit some bumps.

Students need to keep track of their pouch, but not every student remembers to bring it.

And even if they do, some students find ways around the rules.

“Honestly, I couldn’t tell you that there’s a whole bunch of people that use their Yonder pouch — almost everyone always has it on them, but not everyone puts it in there.” Senior Leilah Moore said.

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