Bulldog Insider: remembering Ahmad Tousi

FRESNO, Calif. (KSEE) – The Fresno State men’s soccer team does not exist anymore, but it thrived in the 1980’s and early 1990’s. Ahmad Tousi was an assistant coach on two teams that won Big West titles.

“Gave them everything that he could,” smiled Ali Tousi of his late father, who passed away in November. “To this day, Jose Elgorriaga, for him to give him the opportunity to come on board with him, they’re together now. And probably coaching side by side…I coached for a long time and everything that I knew as a coach was from my dad.”

Ali Tousi was born in Iran, where his dad was the head coach of the national team in 1983.

“I was probably five or six when I started realizing what dad did, going to the stadiums and seeing what that life was about,” he said.

That life in Fresno for Ahmad Tousi began in 1987.

In addition to his time at Fresno State, Tousi also coached Fresno Oro, he coached at Fresno City College and at Bullard High School (from 1990-2003).

“As a young coach, he was successful in Iran,” said Ali Tousi. “I can say this; I think my father was more an innovator. He innovated a lot of different things as far as tactics in the game of soccer. I think he was a legend, what he did and what he accomplished.

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