Oakland to Benefit from New Homekey Grants: 370 Affordable Homes for Residents at Risk of Homelessness


California plans to fund six new Homekey projects, providing 369 affordable homes for individuals at risk of homelessness. These projects will be spread across various communities, including Oakland. Governor Gavin Newsom announced these new Homekey grants, aimed at increasing housing for Californians at risk of homelessness. The communities set to benefit include Oakland, Fresno, San Diego, Yuba City, and Los Angeles. To date, the state has funded over 250 Homekey projects, creating more than 15,300 housing units.

The new projects are part of a $99.9 million grant from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The grant will fund affordable housing in Oakland, Fresno, San Diego, Yuba City, and Los Angeles. The program has funded 250 projects so far, providing over 15,000 homes and serving more than 167,000 Californians.

Tomiquia Moss, Secretary of the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency, commended the Homekey initiative. She stated that the program will have a long-term positive impact on the lives of Californians. The projects will provide housing security for over 167,000 Californians, offering them stability and essential services.

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