Air quality causing health concerns in Central California

The smoke from the June Lightening Complex Fire can be seen here in Fresno and some may be feeling the effects here in the city, or other counties.

Communities in the foothills near the June Lightning Complex Fire are feeling the strong impacts from the smoke, where air quality is reaching unhealthy levels.

“The red and the purple are very unhealthy air quality,” said Heather Heinks, Valley Air District.

“So, those folks have hopefully left the area, maybe have their air purifier running, and maybe, potentially, unfortunately have had to evacuate because of the proximity of the fire.”

If you are exposed to smoke, Heather Heinks with the Valley Air District said there are steps you can take to help your body recover, including getting into an area with filtered air, among other steps.

“The particulates do cling to you, so a shower would be great, fresh clothes would be great, but hydrate your body,” said Heinks.

“We talk about flushing your system, it’s been introduced to a lot of foreign matter, staying hydrated will help you feeling well or better.”

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