Massive California Food Plant Cuts Hundreds of Jobs

I’ve got some big news coming out of California, and it’s not the sun, surf, or Hollywood glitz. It’s about jobs—specifically, a whole lot of them being cut at a major food plant. Let’s dive into what’s happening.

So here’s the scoop: A significant meat processing plant in Fresno, run by Cargill, is set to lay off nearly 200 workers. Yep, you heard that right—180 people are getting pink slips ahead of the plant’s sale to Central Valley Meat, which is a big deal in the beef world in California.

Between June 5 and 7, 178 workers were given notices that their jobs would be ending soon. This information comes straight from the WARN filings, which companies have to submit when they’re planning big layoffs. The layoffs are slated to happen by August 4.

Central Valley Meat is buying the plant and plans to keep most of the current workers. Out of the 880 employees, more than 700 will stay on board, which is some good news amidst the bad. But unfortunately, Central Valley Meat won’t be able to retain 178 of the workers.

Story continues