3 Fresno businesses to be acquired by city for rail crossing project

Several Fresno business owners want to pump the brakes on the city’s plan to acquire land around a railroad improvement project.

On Thursday, the Fresno City Council approved the acquisition of three businesses for a railway project near McKinley and Blackstone avenues.

As the City of Fresno prepares to seize the property near the intersection, the impacted business owners are speaking out.

“If you want to take my building, there’s no reason,” said Art Terzian, who has owned A&T Ceramic for 30 years.

The four-way intersection has two railroad crossings at the busy street level.

A new project would lower the road, eliminating the rail crossings altogether.

But the city has to make room.

Art and his son Tony say it will impact their business and nearly 20 others.

“They’re saying they need the whole parcel to deviate the road for approximately six months, possibly more,” explained Tony.

The Fresno City Council has already taken the first step to take the Terzian’s property after negotiations stalled.

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