Fresno State president Dr. Saúl Jiménez-Sandoval addresses petition for his resignation

Fresno State president Dr. Saúl Jiménez-Sandoval is addressing a recent petition calling for his resignation.

In a campus message obtained by Action News, Jiménez-Sandoval acknowledged he was made aware of the petition Thursday afternoon.

The petition, also obtained by Action News, included logos for both the California State University Employees Union (CSUEU) and California Faculty Association (CFA) and information on joining the CSUEU as a member.

However, Jiménez-Sandoval said he had been in touch with union members “who did not receive this message and were unaware it was coming.”

He added that Fresno State’s Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI) leadership confirmed they were not consulted, were unaware of the petition and do not endorse it.

“I am surprised at this message, especially when Fresno State has a balanced budget and all funding is explained to the Academic Senate, Staff Assembly, and ASI on an annual basis,” Jiménez-Sandoval said in the message. “I am actively working to schedule a meeting with union leadership to better understand this situation.”

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