Morning TV reporter leaves KMPH in Fresno. ‘If you are not growing, you are not living’

Christina Lopez has never seen the screen test she did when she was hired by KMPH Fox 26.

She’s not sure she wants to. She was a reporter with a master’s degrees in journalism and a résumé that included stints with newspapers as well as television and radio news. She was working at ABC30 at the time.

But she was applying to do the weather — an area with which she had zero experience. She admitted as such during the job interview in full disclosure, and they wanted the screen test anyway.

Still, she wasn’t sure she’d get the job, and it didn’t help that the job offer got lost in her email spam folder.

It took several weeks to figure the whole thing out.

But she eventually landed at the station, where she’s spent the past three years splitting time between the weather desk as a weekend anchor and reporting for the morning show Great Day.

Lopez did a final broadcast the station Thursday.

“It was an awesome opportunity,” Lopez said in an interview in advance of her last day.

“It was a little nutty.”

Story continues