Fresno City College now offering a Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene

Fresno City College is making it easier for students to advance their education.

For the first time, the college is offering a Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene.

Naomi Jackson is a first-year student at Fresno City College, working toward becoming a dental hygienist.

Living in Atwater, she wanted to find a program close to home.

“I was looking for what dental hygiene schools are in California and which ones are close to home and Fresno city hit all of those boxes.” Jackson said.

FCC has had an associate’s degree program for 50 years, but this year that changed as the associate’s degree is beginning to be phased out and, for the first time, FCC offered a Bachelor’s in Science Degree in Dental Hygiene.

Jackson applied, but it’s a lottery based application.

Only 30 students were being accepted, so it was a big deal when Jackson got the news she got into the program.

“I was super excited. I actually cried when I got accepted because I had put so much effort in just the application process getting everything ready and I really wanted to do this so it was tears of joy.” Jackson said.

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