Clovis police officers are preparing their breathalyzers as they get ready to crack down on impaired drivers this weekend.
“Tomorrow night, we have a DUI checkpoint scheduled in the hopes of preventing some DUI-related collisions and injuries as a way of keeping the public safe,” Clovis Police Department Corporal Sean O’Brien said Friday.
O’Brien confirms the checkpoint will begin at 8 P.M. Saturday, getting underway just as some early New Year’s celebrations begin.
Officers will choose drivers at random.
“They’ll verify your driver’s license,” O’Brien said, “(and) try to ensure whether or not you’ve been drinking or are under the influence.”
Drunk drivers often have red, watery eyes, slurred speech, and smell of alcohol. Those drivers will face field sobriety tests, which could include a breathalyzer and eventual chemical test.
The blood alcohol limit in California is .08 percent, but O’Brien says impairment starts well before.
“I would recommend not driving at all if you’ve had anything to drink,” he said. “Impairment starts at generally about a 0.04 percent blood alcohol content, and that’s when reactions can be delayed.”