North Texas’ premier veteran storm chaser

North Texas’ premier veteran storm chaser 03:51

NORTH TEXAS — For some it’s sport, for others it’s science: chasing storms. And for everyone who loves the rush, it’s the prime time of the year to head into danger.

One of the premier veteran storm chasers lives in North Texas and believes that the odds of a major tornado striking DFW is increasing.

Few storm chasers have captured nature’s fury in a way as visually stunning as Martin Lisius.

“I feel very comfortable around storms,” said Lisius. “My passion for chasing storms is mostly science, however, it’s largely photography.”

Lisius has been captivated by tornados for 37 years and operates Tempest Tours for those who long to see what he so vividly documents on camera.

He was on the road as recently as last weekend in Oklahoma where a tornado blew right by his hotel room in the middle of the night

“I respect severe storms but I also feel like I should be there,” Lisius said. “It’s sort of my office, so to speak.”

Some of the Arlington resident’s work will be showcased in an upcoming documentary called “The Chasers of Tornado Alley: Touching the Sky.”

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