Summer begins tragically for North Texas teen trying to escape a wasp

Family of paralyzed North Texas teen praying for miracle 03:49

DALLAS – A freak accident has shaken Seymon Williams Jr.’s family to the core.

The 13-year-old went swimming on the first day of summer.  A wasp near the pool forced him to dive back into the pool.  Now, the teen is paralyzed.

His family recalled the tragic event during an interview with CBS News Texas.

“It was a normal day, you know. He came running downstairs telling me he was wanting to go swim with his friends,” Anya Camper recalled. “I told him, ‘No, he didn’t need to go.'”

The mother of four said she gave in to her son’s request. It was June 20, the first day of summer, and “SJ,” as he is called, went to a community pool. The football player and avid swimmer dove into a pool, witnesses said, causing injuries that may be irreparable.

“Basically, him and his friends were just playing running away from a wasp and he just takes off and just dives in the pool,” his mother said. “He’s not sure exactly what type of dive he did.”

Story continues