City of Dallas storm debris collection still underway

City of Dallas Sanitation crews are working around the clock in extreme heat temperatures to clear debris from the storms that ravaged Dallas on May 28.

Strong winds of almost 80 mph and heavy rain swept through North Texas, flooding roads, downing trees and power lines, knocking out power to roughly 488,000 people.

Dallas County Judge Clay Lewis Jenkins issued an emergency declaration due to the widespread damage and extensive power outages throughout Dallas.

Crews from the Department of Sanitation with assistance from contractor crews have been clearing debris set out at the curb daily from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM Monday through Sunday. There is heavy debris city-wide, and it is estimated that cleanup may take at least 60 days to complete a first pass through the city.

For helpful information about guidelines for debris sorting and proper placement for timely collection visit the City of Dallas website at the link below.

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