Nonprofit in Dallas offers free Youth Mental Health First Aid training for adults

Nonprofit in Dallas offers free Youth Mental Health First Aid training for adults 02:49

NORTH TEXAS – Communities In Schools of the Dallas Region places trained staff on campuses to provide daily intervention to “at-risk” students and families.

Their impact extends beyond the classroom to reach not only students but also their families.

The purpose of the Youth Mental Health First Aid intervention training is to prepare teachers and parents on how to recognize and react if a child is having a mental health crisis.

We’re familiar with first aid skills to help people in emergencies, but how about first aid for those whose struggles may not be so visible?

Hillary Evans, a mom of three and graduate of youth mental health first aid training, says these are added skills to help everyone stay prepared, for every possible scenario.

“It’s important to keep an open dialogue and even through nonverbal communication being able to recognize you know some of the signs that could be a warning sign for mental health challenge that that youth may be facing,” Evans said.

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