Texas detective honored for shutting down nefarious cryptocurrency scam

In a time when scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated, Detective J. Fisher of the Plano, Texas, Police Department is proving that swift police work can make all the difference. His recent efforts to combat cryptocurrency-related fraud not only prevented a substantial financial loss but also earned him the prestigious Meritorious Service Award for his dedication to public safety.

During an investigation, Detective Fisher identified a concerning pattern of fraud cases in which victims were directed to a specific cryptocurrency ATM in town. Recognizing the potential for financial harm, he took the initiative to contact the business managing the ATM. Fisher educated the manager on common red flags indicating when a customer might be a scam victim and provided his direct contact information for any immediate concerns.

“Less than 48 hours later, the manager noticed an elderly woman holding a large amount of cash attempting to deposit money into the crypto ATM,” the department said on Facebook. “He also observed that she appeared to be on the phone with someone. Based on the information provided by Detective Fisher, he suspected that this woman was a victim of a scam.”…

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