HCA Florida North Florida Hospital extends shutdown of most surgeries for one more week

HCA Florida North Florida Hospital, which shut down surgeries abruptly last week over concerns about sterilized operative room equipment, is suspending all non-emergency surgeries for for another week as it grapples with issues that could lead to serious patient infections, surgeons said.

The surgical schedules at North Florida Hospital in Gainesville have fallen into chaos since its decision last week to suspend all elective procedures, according to surgeons inside the hospital who spoke on condition of anonymity because executives there have ordered all medical staff not to talk to reporters about the issue. Multiple surgeries were called off Friday.

The hospital is performing only a fraction of the number of surgeries it usually would, and some procedures were canceled with only hours’ notice, surgeons said. In recent days, three cardiac surgeries and four orthopedic surgeries were called off on the day of the operations, they said.

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