Teen denied bail in 2023 gas station shooting and carjacking

A juvenile charged with shooting and attempted carjacking will be held without bail for now, a judge ruled on Wednesday.

Assistant State Attorney James Moody told County Judge Tommy Thompson prosecutors will seek pre-trial detention for the defendant due to the nature of the crime. If that effort is successful, the teen would remain locked up at the county jail until his case is resolved.

The judge told the 17-year-old defendant, who appeared for the hearing via Zoom from the county jail, that he’s being charged as an adult and a judge had signed paperwork for his arrest.

Handcuffed, and seated at the back of the jailhouse courtroom, the teen wore red pants and a brown shirt. His hearing lasted several minutes. He’s charged with attempted murder, attempted carjacking and possession of a firearm by a person younger than 18.

The judge told the teen not to have any contact with the victim, their family or anyone connected with the case. The teen’s next court date is scheduled for March. The Star-Banner is not publishing the defendant’s age because he is a juvenile.

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